JFK Warned Us About A Monolithic Conspiracy. This Conspiracy Works In Unison Through Planned Events, Agenda and Media Control. What The Western World Is Witnessing Through Agenda, Media Coverage and Planned Events Are Designed To Lead The Western World To Its Defeat By Our Enemies. The Agenda Works For Them, Not Us.
JFK warned that America was opposed by a monolithic global conspiracy. This conspiracy had vast military, educational, financial and strategic resources available to its disposal. This conspiracy is tightly organized and is working together to advance global control.
The Rothschild Family is an ancient family that has led power in European culture for hundreds of years. The original source of the New World Order, the Rothschild family saw its influence and control expand during the British Empire, where much of the modern world we knew today was under their control. Today, the Rothschild family operates in the background, sponsoring run-offs and politicians who enact their agenda. Robert Rothschild drafted the Treaty of Rome, which was the basis for the start of the European Union. The families' ancient grasp of power, and their control and influence around the world is still apparent, but the family remains in the shadows. They let others do their main work. The main goal for hundreds of years has been to set up Europe as the leader of the planet, providing World Government For The Communist Conspiracy. Today, all these entities work to set up the unelected bureaucracy of the European Union as global government, spreading the unit over all nations and mankind.
Was George Soros a secret KGB Agent?
Who allowed him to become rich and powerful and for what purpose?
What is his obsession with passing communist ideology in the United States and the Western World after he claimed he played a huge part in causing the collapse of the Soviet Union? Or was it all a lie?
The Rothschild family brings about George Soros. They helped him start his Quantum Fund and he becomes incredibly, incredibly wealthy, with his wealth peaking at almost $30 billion dollars at one point in time. He is forever in their servitude, and he becomes their main source of power and influence around the globe. He runs his own group, Open Society Foundations, which use his vast wealth to influence politics, culture, and promote change in societies around the globe. Open Society Foundations sponsors hundreds of smaller organizations around the globe which all do their part toward a common goal - global governance. The Rothschild family may be prime and center in old European culture, but George Soros becomes the main modern backer of their European Union. This union, which started as a small group of countries, is being spread. This unelected government dictates agenda such as immigration, etc, for all nations it oversees and rules. The European Union as covered earlier, is a multi-national, multi-ethnic, multi-religious global governance plot in disguise. Believe it or not, George Soros and some of his entities work directly with the media that you listen to, read, or watch. He funds the internet fact checkers. Some of these work with social media giants like Facebook, Google and Twitter. News agencies sometimes work directly with organizations he directly finances. His reach and influence are vast and his power around the world is undeniable. The most important first step in creating global governance is breaking down the barriers of east and west, or capitalism and communism.
Soros played an important role in this.
George Soros talked on CNN with Fareed Zakaria about his organizations, and his money, and what they were doing around the globe. He has said many times that "Revolutions start with enthusiasm and end in tears." George Soros' Open Society Foundations are being used to usher in this United Nations plan. Any research done on his website will show you that this is indeed true - they are being used to bring in this agenda of "Sustainable Development." George Soros is the easiest lineage of the New World Order to follow. The influences of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are harder to understand, and the business dealings of the Rothschild family and banking require considerable research and digging. Soros is so easy to follow because his money and groups have been involved in overthrowing 90% of all governments in the last 30 years. George Soros, his money, and foundation are the branch of the New World Order that culturally changes and revolutionizes societies which lead to fall of various governments across the globe.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia plays a big role in helping the New World Order, and they help them, in turn. Money makes the world go round, and with the largest oil reserves on the planet, Saudi Arabia has been made incredibly wealthy. The planets' dependence on oil has turned the Crown Family into one of the richest in the world, and they hold undeniable influence. Saudi Arabia is at the center of the world's power structure. Its largest relationship has been with the United States for decades. Whoever controls Saudi Arabia controls the levers of power and influence in the world. Iran, Russia, and China would love to control and have complete influence over her. Saudi Arabia is also the driving force of the Middle East politically and religiously. It is the driving force of Islam - with Mecca and Madina, two of the holiest sites for Muslims on premise. The Royal Family, or the House of Saud, does whatever the New World Order wants it to do, whenever they are asked. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia assists in deep state operations, including funding terrorists or helping to spreading refugees. They helped by assisting American troops in the War on Iraq. They helped the deep state in the revolution in Syria. The Muslim Brotherhood and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have always had historical ties for decades. Saudi Arabia banned The Muslim Brotherhood in 2014, but this was just for show. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aids the New World Order by closely working with The Muslim Brotherhood, helping spread Islam around the planet, as the New World Order seeks to attempt to force all humans to co-exist and accept each other. The Deep State also works with Saudi Arabia to help her control and spread her agenda all over the Middle East, and the globe. The goal is to have a single power controlling and influencing the Muslim world physically, politically, and religiously. This is why proxy wars continue vs Iran, as the two are fighting over control and influence of the region. The House of Saud is one of the largest financiers of politicians in Western Nations, donating tens of millions of dollars to recent political campaigns. In addition, it finances mosques and schools across Europe and North America.
But this scheme goes even deeper than just the face of the Saudi Royal Family. Inside the Saudi Royal Family are traitors that aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, other middle Eastern Nations and their leaders, who all seek to erase ties to the hated United States and Israel. The Soviets openly funded these nations in their fight against Israel many times.
Did you know that Soros is the main organizer for the World Health Organization?
Did you know that he is the main agenda contributor?
Do you know that he is a regular speaker at Davos?
Do you know that his Open Society Foundations are the main contributor to United Nations Agenda?
Did you know that the United Nations Agenda 2030 plan coincides directly with Open Society Foundations and its plan and goals?
Did you know that George Soros works closely with The Wilson Center which is a training center for politicians and political figures around the world? Did you know that The Wilson Center often has regular speakers and educators for Open Society Foundations attend and lecture? Do you know that he educates future world leaders, pollsters and media faces? Do you know that those that are educated go on to work in the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and other United Nations sectors?
The truth runs deep.
This think tank teaches and spreads their idea of global policy.
But also, Soros and his Open Society Foundations offer fellowships for study and research, and work with the think tank as well. George Soros' foundation has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to this fellowship program. And his Open Society Fellowship programs are still around as we speak.
"The International Policy Fellowships (IPF) program identifies and supports research by open society leaders in countries throughout the Soros foundations network. IPF is affiliated with the Center for Policy Studies (CPS) at Central European University (CEU) and cooperates with partners such as the Woodrow Wilson Center in the United States. The program strives to build local policymaking capacity and prevent “brain drain” by providing professional policy training and ensuring that fellows have substantial mobility and intellectual freedom while conducting research in their home countries."
If you were a totalitarian global dictator, why wouldn't you have complete planetary surveillance of every man, woman, and child - to go along with your unelected government? Not only will this unelected bureaucracy be unable to be removed once it's in power, they will have complete control and knowledge of what every single person on the planet watches, reads, discusses - and purchases with their money. The leaking of Project "AI Manhattan" by a whistleblower at Google shed light into the development of Artificial Intelligence Systems that are being designed for an evil purpose. That goal is to be able to have complete planetary surveillance of every person and thing on this globe. In addition, Facebook operates and runs under DARPA, and was designed as a defense research project. What about the global food supplies? Why are the largest multinational corporations all working for this United Nations plan?
The Corporate World, the United Nations, and You. All decided at The Builderberg Group. The Bilderberg Group meets annually, and this is where world corporate agenda is discussed, trade policies are designed, and financial plans are made. It was established in 1954 to prevent war, but the main talk behind the curtains has always been about one world governance. Participants of this secret meeting have included George Soros himself, as well as members of the Rothschild family. Often if they are not in attendance, their representatives are instead - because these two groups often dictate agenda. Other participants included in these secret meetings include political leaders, military and intelligence officials, and often experts from the media, finance and industry. The resulting talks at these meetings often lead to agenda being passed and enacted throughout the multi-national corporate world.
There has been a New World Order plan for hundreds of years. The depths of this global group are massive and their influence and control are far reaching. It's a frightening situation once you are aware of it and how it operates. You can literally see how they control the globe's agenda. The truth is simple. The media is a controlled narrative, the Pope is controlled and working for these people - and your politicians are controlled as well. It's up to humanity to awaken so that it can be saved. It is imperative because time is running out!