A historical synopsis about the history of communism. See how it started as an original idea and spread and started to control the earth through various "planned operations." See how the elite UN Agenda conspires and helps the communists gain control.
Never in a million years would you think that major wars, events and occurrences are planned to bring about global change. You'd be labelled as a complete nutcase for thinking so, but in fact, they are. For thousands of years there have been battles and wars. Human evolution is a study of conquest between a non prefect side that has brought good change, or progress, and an evil that has tried to take over. Through our history, the bad or evil has always lost. The Aztecs lost to the Spaniards. The barbarian hordes lost to the Romans. The Muslim Invaders lost to the Crusaders.
Communism is the latest vessel of the evil attempting to control the planet. You don't just think up and idea, write it down one day in a book, and then ten years later you have complete control of the world. Impossible. Things take time. In the case of this monolithic communist conspiracy, it has taken steps over the past two hundred years to take control. How do they do it? Manufactured events, and then controlled outcomes lead to expansion of their control.
When Karl Marx wrote his idea down, the communists had nothing other than a thought.
After World War 1, they had a single nation.
After World War 2, they had half the earth.
And they are in the process of enacting World War 3 to advance their idea of Global Government and Control.
Communism is born. Karl Marx is credited as being the founding father of communism, a radical way of thinking that will go on to kill millions of people and destroy societies.
Marx viewed the world as a class struggle between those that rule and those that work, and thought that there was another system that could work better. However to get to that system required upheaval and revolutions.
His ideas begin to spread throughout Europe and The Western World, radicalizing many.
In His Later years, Marx and associates begin forming secret societies and groups where they teach individuals how to revolutionize their society.
Well before Karl Marx was writing about the hell of communism, he was writing about hell. "Thus Heaven I've forfeited, I know it full well," he wrote in a poem in 1837, a decade before his Manifesto. "My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell." That certainly seemed to be the perverse destiny for Marx's ideology, which consigned to death over 100 million souls in the twentieth century alone.
Gavrilo Princip, a communist and part of a secret society undertakes a planned killing of Archduke Ferdinand. Princip and his plotters conspired to kill Ferdinand because they know it would set off a global revolution, sparking the many treaties that had promised to defend each other to all come to each other's defense.
The result was a war that killed tens of millions and destroyed many nation states in Europe. Princip's war however brought rise to the uncontrolled expansion of Communism which led to the Soviet Union.
The global UN Establishment at that time used the US and its military to try to destroy communism, fascism and the Soviet Union. These wars failed after the Pentagon Paper release in the 1970s which showed this hidden agenda being run.
The Soviet Union became an instant enemy to some after helping the USA defeat Nazi Germany. However, Russia had long been an enemy since 1917, mainly because Communism was considered evil. Before Hitler took power, Communists and Nazis fought each other over Germany's empire. The communists and their revolutions in Germany were key in raising a fascist dictatorship in Germany.
The league of nations is created by a group of wealthy business owners and elitists. This group instantly blames Germany for World War 1, although it was technically the fault of Communists who instigated it, forcing Germany to come to defense of its ally.
The league of Nations buries Germany in reparations payments and destroys their economy, creating anger and hostility.
Hitler, to the left, campaigns with a sign behind him that says Marxism must perish in Germany. The Nazis and The Communists had similar ideology and belief structure and both fought each other over control of Germany while Communism was spreading throughout Europe.
The Communists in Germany at that time were in fact, taking orders directly from the Soviet Union and provoking Hitler's party with a rash of political violence lies and deceit.
Some scholars even argue that some upper echelon Nazis and the Communists were working under the table together to bring about this political violence and a rise of a fascist dictatorship.
Germany invades Poland. The Soviet Union also invades Poland. World War 1 starts. Many do not know that the Soviet Union also invaded Poland at this time.
World War 2 kills just less than one hundred million around the globe.
Operation Unthinkable starts to gain traction. The United states and UK did not trust the communists in the Soviet Union because they believed they were provoking the Germans into war. They also did not trust the ideology given that the Soviet Union had killed millions of their own citizens by this time.
The Soviet Union did not have the nuclear bomb, and was in jeopardy of losing. Communism was under threat of defeat.
The global UN establishment plan reveals itself at a time when the Soviet Union was in jeopardy of losing a future war. World Peace was the topic, and it was sold to the globe and the United States. The Western World buys in while Operation Unthinkable dies out.
During this time, the Soviet Union steals the atomic bomb through a network of traitors embedded in the United States.
Klaus Fuchs, an Ex-Nazi collaborator and German citizen gives the Soviet Union the bomb secrets. He was a man who changed it all. The entire history of the world changed thanks to this man.
The Soviet Union faced an enemy in America that was starting to get away from them. America was becoming so powerful, so prosperous and the Soviets knew that they would be finished in fifty years as they began to get whittled away in wars in Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea.
Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert Maxwell was notoriously known as a double agent, working for both the west and the east. While most assumed he worked for Israel, he actually rose to be a top KGB spy. Upon his strange death and possibly murder, the KGB began working the operation through Maxwell's daughter Ghislaine and her rumored boyfriend Epstein.
The Soviets, who could not defeat the US in war, knowing full well if there was a nuclear war that they would be completely destroyed - were out of options. America was destined in fifty years time to defeat them in power and military technology. They decided to conspire with Soros so they could stab the US in the back in 50 years time. It was a temporary loss, giving up territory to the West, but in fifty years time there would be much to gain. Soros promised the Soviets that if they played ball, and played the game long term, that they would have the US in a few decades in a trade for global government.
Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert Maxwell was notoriously known as a double agent, working for both the west and the east. While most assumed he worked for Israel, he actually rose to be a top KGB spy. Upon his strange death and possibly murder, the KGB began working the operation through Maxwell's daughter Ghislaine and her rumored boyfriend Epstein.
Years of careful planning and agenda are carried out. Numerous Planned Wars and further territory given up by Soviets and its allies in War see America committed to never ending battles and spending less on military development. After decades in the middle east and exhausting them financially, agenda in the schools training and destroying younger generations, America is ripe for the taking.
The Soviets did not get along with Mao and China. Relationships had to be repaired, and they were. Russia and China began working together on many projects including sharing military resources and technology and helping their tyrannical allies achieve nuclear technology. Both Committed to the plot together, believing they could beat the US in a World War if they worked together.
The global UN Establishment under George Soros performed a coup d'etat for the Soviets as promised on America. They did this by cheating an election to elect a Soviet Communist Plant into the White House. The Media system began decrying racism and that Barack Obama was a black man that should win the White House because of the color of his skin. Americas flooded to the poles and so did Soros' provocateurs, electing the communist plant who took control of the Presidency on January 20th, 2009. Hillary Clinton was pissed, as she was the one who was promised that she would be elected before Obama and not have the war pinned on her.
Barack Obama begins his plan by selling out the United States of America. FBI leadership were onto him very early, as a Russian bribery plot was discovered that helped Russia procure the United States Uranium. He began blackmailing Hillary Clinton because of her relationship with Epstein, and they worked together to sell off America's secrets through open email servers. Nuclear Technology was stolen by China, and China and Russia began secretly arming North Korea, Iran and Syria under the table. Obama gets the Western World to fund ISIS, increasing radicalism in the Middle East and surrounding Israel with its enemies. America's enemies begin working on gain of function viruses and nuclear weapons with America's own technology and Uranium. All this happens while America was fed a poison pill of Marxism for Eight Years by Soros and Obama.
Hillary Clinton is furious the war has to be pinned on her, as she was angry she did not get elected before Obama. Everyone in DC is being blackmailed and upper echelon FBI are being controlled by Obama and Hillary. The Military knows something is up as the North Korean leadership family are CIA informants and tell all. A plan is devised to scuttle Hillary Clinton's Presidency with James Comey coming forward just days before the election in surprise killing her numbers by 7 to 10 percent. She says nothing to Soros and crew who were caught off guard and did not prepare to cheat the election. FBI informant Trump wins the election by a miracle and gets to work. Trump even joked that Hillary told Comey everything at a dinner.
Video @ 11:43
Trump runs a Presidency that appears of chaos, but in fact it was quite the opposite. Uranium sites in Syria are destroyed. Saudi Arabia is armed. Nuclear Treaties are cancelled and the United States of America begins to wake up to the hatred of Communism before your very eyes.
The DC Civil War Plays out on live television. The Civil war came about after FBI leadership, military and others knew of Obama's treason and what was happening during his Presidency. Google FBI uncovers Russian bribery plot, 2009, 2010. Flynn giving his Risk Assessment in 2014/2015 in front of the Senate privately and then in public set off the alarm bells and the civil war was on. Comey Mueller and crew set up Flynn as the fall guy for which a corrupt FBI leadership took the bait to get him. The FBI leadership was cleaned out, with Strzok, Page and McCabe Fired.
Jeffrey Epstein dies in his cell. Maxwell rots in Prison. Both would never have happened if Hillary had won.
October 2019, Coronavirus walks out of a Chinese Lab and signals a line in the Sand That Russia and China and Soros are ready to fight for control over the United States. The election is cheated and Joe Biden is Installed.
Joe Biden is installed as President. No Hillary Clinton, but Russia and China now wait as they expect the fulfillment of Soros and what he promised for them back fourty years ago. Joe Biden is surrounded by FBI and Military personnel who have all the dirt on his son, and Joe Biden begins secretly working for them. He tries to pass Obama's agenda and stupidly fails. He gives Russia and China Afghanistan. All this while the big 3 look down on each other as to who will make the first move.
Acting Zelensky (If You can't tell by now) begs the US To Commit NATO Troops To Ukraine to fight against Russia. Russia waits for this war to be pinned on the US where Russia and China have been prepping themselves and their allies with US Weapons and Secrets. Zelensky Visits the White House begging Joe Biden to commit troops.
Joe Biden, blackmailed by the FBI and Military, have no choice as he sends advanced military weapons to Ukraine to protect the West before the truth comes out. He puts F-22 Raptors in Japan, The Middle East, and He Puts Ohio Class Submarines in The Middle East as well.
Russia and China now sit at the cusp of making big decisions. Together they shake hands, preparing to do the war to the United States and the Western World, enacting change to the world never seen before in 100 years.