The Iron Curtain Collapse was a lie. The Soviet Union was bankrupt, could not defeat the US Complex in 1985, and their global plan faced defeat. The globalists assisted in selling the lie. A covert plan that runs on blackmail, extortion, fraud, and the laundering of US funds by Ex Soviet State Oligarchs was hatched.
The Soviets could never press the nuclear button. They knew that if they did, that they would lose. Elements of the US system are hardened. While the world would be destroyed after a nuclear shootout, the Soviets knew the US would be back on its feet in 15 years time and they would never be back themselves. This was famously called by US Generals as The Choice the Soviets could not make.
The US Military Industrial Complex knew the Soviets could not press the nuclear button and used this advantage to carry out proxy wars to contain and destroy communism. These wars were whittling away communist territory and weakening them.
The Soviet Union Could Already Not Compete With the F15 Eagle, and The United States Was Already Far Ahead, And Starting To Developing A Stealth Air Superiority Fighter.
While the entire world believes communism is over, and the Iron Curtain is gone, it's completely false. The government of Russia has been controlled by a KGB Soviet secret plan since the collapse, and the world doesn't know it.
In 1989, Russia had a GDP equal to Canada. China had a GDP slightly larger than half. Both combined had a GDP of less than a Trillion, While the US Stood at almost 6 Trillion Dollars. Russia and China could not defeat The United States in a World War, and that starts with their economic power.
The set agenda you are being fed by the political establishment in charge today is actually worldwide communism.
Everything they sell you is a story that will eventually, if followed, lead to the destruction of the Western World. They are not for The Western World or America. They just control the media system.
The World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, And Other Establishment UN Bureaucracies are feeding you a story that is being told to you. This is the front of the conspiracy. These are the people who dictate agenda, are important, prominent figures who lead the conspiracy.
For them to succeed over The West, they have to have a puppet in control of The Presidency of The United States.
While American forces had the nuclear bomb, and were conspiring with the United Kingdom to march to Moscow to destroy the Communists, the UN stepped in and began selling a peace plan to the US and Western World, under the guise of World Peace. During this period of time, the Soviets stole the nuclear bomb to protect themselves.
America hated the communists in the 1960s and 1970s. The UN Agenda at this time did its best to slow down American imperialism. The elitist establishment at this time began sowing anti-war and freedom protests, and doing everything possible to undermine every US President during this time. Kennedy, shot, etc.
Every agenda they try to push down The West's throat may sound good in theory, but it is meant to destroy the US and the backbone of the Western World. Bankrupt it, Pillage It, and Extort it. From Climate Change to Outrageous Taxes, the Establishment Political Base has ravaged The West and destroyed Capitalism and led it to its defeat.
An old KGB Agent himself, Vladimir Putin is trained in the art of war and deception. Lying is what he is trained to do, and he does it with such great ease. Gaining someone's trust and confidence, making them feel comfortable - only to stab them in the back is the greatest asset of a KGB agent. They are trained professionals designed to extract information and take control.
Vladimir Putin worked for the KGB from 1975 until 1991. He witnessed the collapse of the Iron Curtain in 1989. While working for the Soviets, he worked his way up in the KGB because of his steadfast devotion to the cause.
While it is difficult to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is part of a secret, covert KGB plan to covertly seize control of Russia's government after the collapse there is great suspicion.
Since the time of Gorbachev and the Berlin Wall falling, Putin has been right there the entire time. He snuggled up to Yeltsin right after the collapse, becoming his Prime Minister, having transferred from the KGB right to politics.
Realistically, since Yeltsin stepped aside, Putin has been in complete control of Russia's government since, and if his work for the KGB had never of come to an end, you can see why we are where we are.
Putin has amended laws to ensure that he can run for office over and over, removing term limits. Other than stepping aside to be Prime Minister while his devout friend Medvedev ran the show for eight years while he was ineligible, Putin has been the one running and making all the decisions.
Once you see Putin as the liar, you begin to see what, where and why.
Russia today is funding Iran, North Korea, Lebanon, Syria and other Middle Eastern Nations that despise Israel. Russia gives them weapons, technology, supplies and aids their advancements on their nuclear and missile programs.
Russia is still funding the Palestinian movement, Hamas, and working closely with enemies of Israel. Nothing has changed in Putin's Russia.
The Kim family worked for the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union and Russia have been aiding North Korea militarily, economically and with resources.
The UN Establishment Political Base that is covertly working to benefit the global communist conspiracy hates Israel and is still pushing Pro-Palestine, Anti Israeli Rhetoric in the Western World.
Saudi Arabia was founded by Ibn Saud, who wanted a Saudi Empire that was fiercely anti-western. The Soviets were the first to recognize Saudi Arabia and back them. The Soviets hoped that uniting all Muslims would drive Islam away from the West as much of the territory was backed by Britain in the early 1900s. Something drastically changed, however, when Saudi Arabia struck oil in the mid 1930s and American presence began to establish itself. The first relationship between Saudi Arabia and America was seen under the company Aramco in 1938. The relationship between Saudi Arabia and The United States has never stopped, and America and the money it has brought has affected Islam to its core.
The Saudi Elite became big spenders and lost credibility and lost respect among religious conservatives. Saudi Arabia and its big spending has spread to other areas of the Middle East and caused Extreme Islam to weaken. Saudi Arabia has given women the right to drive, and begun the process of Normalization With Israel.
The UN Establishment Political Base hates Saudi Arabia and is doing whatever possible to slowly burn and kill the economic bond between Saudi Arabia and America.
❝ On 21 May 2019, the nationalized Ukrainian PrivatBank filed a remarkable civil case against its prior owners Ihor Kolomoisky and Gennady Bogolyubov in the state court of Delaware. [[Deleware. Interesting.]] The three co-defendants are US citizens in Miami and nineteen anonymous companies.
The defendants are accused “for hundreds of millions of dollars of damages arising in connection with claims for… unjust enrichment, for fraudulent transfer under state laws (including Delaware and Ohio), for violations of Ohio’s [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations] statute, and for civil conspiracy” (p. 2).
The most striking statement is “From 2006 through December 2016, the total movement of funds (credits) into the [ultimate beneficiary owners’] laundering at PrivatBank Cyprus was $470 billion, which amounts to approximately double the Gross Domestic Product of Cyprus during the same period” (p. 77). If this is true, this is the biggest case of money laundering in history, and it has been perpetrated by one single group. ❞
While Russia and China may have not been able to beat America in a full frontal war, they have been much better at embedding The West and controlling an Agenda inside it. Want to serve the US and West poison? Simple. Control and Blackmail a political class, and get them to serve an Agenda That Is Designated "Kill From Within."
Russia is operating a child pornography gateway through their Yandex search engine. The Russian government controls Yandex and yet refuses to do anything about it. Speculation exists that Russia is feeding the sexual addictions of pedophiles and politicians it controls in the Western World, perhaps even blackmailing them.
Russia, China and The East are still notoriously known for human trafficking problems. Organ harvesting, black markets for human body parts and sex slavery are all a huge topic in Russia and her allies.
Israel and Russia were in a undeclared war in their first decades of existence. Russia funded all the Middle Eastern Nations in their fight against Israel since its inception. Robert Maxwell, a former Israeli Agent was rumored to have been co-opted by the Russians. No Israeli Agent would ever meet with a Soviet leader at the time, but Maxwell met with Gorbachev. The FBI had investigated Maxwell numerous times over his ties to the Soviet Union. He even tried to aid the Soviet Union with a $20 billion dollar bailout fund.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were running a covert blackmailing operation on their Island. Prominent Western Figures were submarined in, and filmed partying and performing grotesque acts. Subsequent politicians returned to their home nations and forced to pass an agenda that enables Russia.
An entire host of prominent figure heads and politicians have been blackmailed through Yandex and Epstein. Feed their addictions. Then blackmail them.
By now it should be very obvious that The Clintons were the ones that were being blackmailed and extorted by The Russians. The entire fiasco that happened at the beginning of Trump's Presidency was a set up from the Russians, to Frame Trump and come up with an excuse, when it was in fact Hillary Clinton that was being blackmailed.
Well it's Simple To Figure out. Anyone involved in Epstein's Island Debauchery is controlled. It's that Simple.
"The letter IC IG sent to FBI earlier this month was a counterintelligence referral indicating there is a compromise of classified national security information in former Sec. Clinton's emails. The emails exist on a at least one private server and thumb drive and that was the counterintelligence information concern we referred to the FBI, said spokesman Andrea Williams in an email."
James Comey famously testified in his briefings before Congress and The Senate that a "counter intelligence operation" was when a foreign government is suspected of having dirt or blackmail on a politician in America. That blackmail could then be used to force that politician to do an agenda that benefits that foreign nation.
By now it should be completely obvious that the Clintons were being blackmailed by a foreign power because of their connections to Jeffrey Epstein. Everyone asked if Trump was being blackmailed, but nobody asked if Hillary Clinton was. Not one person at any of the intelligence briefings with Comey ever asked him if Hillary Clinton was being blackmailed.
Were Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden Working With, And For, Other Foreign Powers Blackmailing Hillary Clinton And Pinning World War 3 On Her Presidency?
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