Some of the Islamic Nations Around the World Share a Common Agenda Among Them, Much Like The Covert Soviet Agenda That Still Exists Today. They Are Aligned Historically With The Communists And Are Backed And Funded By Them Militarily. The Common Muslim Brotherhood Goal Seeks To Destroy The West and Israel.
When Mohammed got Zayd ibn Thabit to transcribe the Quran in 609 AD, Christianity was in full swing. It was only 300 years before that Constantine, the Roman Emperor, ruled Christianity legal for all. By 600 AD Christianity had spread completely across the Roman Empire and was heading into the Middle East. An accident that Mohammed then created a religion literally the opposite of Christianity and Judaism? Was it a random occurrence that this religion was designed to be world dominating and to counter the West's culture? Absolutely not. It's purpose was to rise a counter religion that would grow and dominate against these values.
This is the dive into the Islamic World, the Conspiracy they all share together, which is the Muslim Brotherhood Plan To Destroy The Western World. It also shows you the battle inside Islam, which is at war with both itself and the Communists.
The Arab nations all joined together in a fight against Israel immediately following its inception. Israel had been a nation for thousands of years prior that had been conquered and then conquered back. The fight for the region goes back thousands of years before the time of Christ, to the Crusades, to the Modern Era. Since the Balfour Declaration, Western Imperialist forces sought to usher in an Israeli state due to the long history of Israel as a nation and Jews who lived in the area. The creation of the new Holy Land was only successful after World War 2 however. Many of the nations in the Islamic world in 1945 were aligned with the Nazis and were positive toward Hitler. After the Nazis lost the war, the Islamic Nations watched, as Western Imperialists forces resurrected the former Holy Land much to the beset of the losing side. Once Israel was founded as a nation, the Arab nations wasted no time descending on the region to wipe her off the map. This attempted failed.
The Soviets Had Been An "Ally" of America in 1945 when they defeated Germany. The Soviets were positive toward the idea of a Jewish state in the region, but by 1950 completely turned against it. This is because Israel joined the Western Side, Rejected Socialism, and Began Working With The West In Its Expansion. The Soviet Union Began Arming and Training The Middle East In Its Fight Against Israel.
The Prequel to the 1967 War was a skirmish in the 1950s, that involved Egypt cutting off key supply lines via waterways. Egypt was warned by Israel if they did it again they could expect a war. Likewise, Egypt once again shut off all shipping to Israeli ports in the Straights of Tiran, and there was a war. Once again, the Israelis won the war, which led to a large expansion of their territory. The territory expansion went into the Golan Heights and the Saini Peninsula. Syria had entered the war with Egypt, as did Jordan in limited capacity and both nations lost territory as a result of it.
The Soviet Union funded the Middle Eastern Nations Before The War With Weapons and Tanks. The Six Day War Was A Conspiracy of the Soviet Union To Pressure Israel Into A War Which Would Lead To Her Defeat At The Hands of Other Arab Nations.
Nikita Khrushchev's memoirs, as well as the reminiscences of Soviet military and intelligence personnel, also indicate that Moscow indeed sought escalation of Middle Eastern tensions leading to the outbreak of another war between Israel and its Arab neighbors. The Soviet high command seemed to have encouraged high-ranking Egyptian and Syrian officers to go to war against Israel, and persuaded the political leadership to support its designs. Moreover, the Soviet military took practical steps to assist Syria in stopping the advance of Israeli troops into Syrian territory toward the end of the war. These steps included a naval landing, airborne reinforcements and air support for ground operations. Military operations were, however, eventually aborted for fear of American retaliation and due to dissension within the Kremlin.
Syria, Egypt and Others descended on Israel In An Attempt to take back lost territory in the 1967 war. This ended up failing. The surprise invasion took place on Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday, but Israel was prepared. Despite suffering a fall back, Israel advanced and encircled their enemies. This war ended in a treaty being signed which led to the Egyptian acknowledgement of Israel. It also led to some territory being returned by Israel in agreement. Eventually, because of this war, the Soviet Union lost most control of Egypt.
The Yom Kippur War turned into a stand off Between the Soviet Union and America. The Soviet Union began to replenish their allies in the Middle East which led to a standoff with America who replenished Israel.
Israel has a long history of skirmishes with Lebanon due to various kidnappings, assassination attempts and support of terrorist organizations. These wars have ended in either victories or stalemates. Lebanon has a long history of aiding Syria, Iran and Egypt in their attempts against Israel.
The Soviets were paramount in turning Lebanon against Israel. Lebanon's civil war pushed out Christian dominated government and put in anti Israel government that was Muslim backed. The Soviets supplied weapons for this to happen and sponsored the rise of this new government. This new government became completely against Israel and has been working with the other Arab nations against her ever since.
Yasser Arafat was the Leader of the PLO, or the Palestinian Liberation Movement. "The PLO was an umbrella political organization claiming to represent the world’s Palestinians and their descendants, who lived in mandated Palestine before the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. It was formed in 1964 to centralize the leadership of various Palestinian groups that previously had operated as clandestine resistance movements. It came into prominence only after the Six Day War of June 1967, however, and engaged in a protracted guerrilla war against Israel during the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s before entering into peace negotiations with that country in the 1990s."
Secret KGB documents reveal just how deeply involved the Soviet Union was in the spilling of Israeli blood. The Russian spy agency provided Palestinian terror organizations with funds, training and arms, running agents like Mahmoud Abbas or Yasser Arafat who was behind several plane hijackings long before 9/11.
The Arab Nations all have a covert agenda. That is, various members are engaged in the spreading of a covert agenda against the Western World. That's not to say that every Muslim or Arab Nation is against The West. They aren't. Some are actually on our side. However, various states and religious fundamentalists have organized in a covert plot against the West. This is the Muslim Brotherhood. Documents have been found in the States that have related to terror cases that detail the plans of this organization. They view their organizations goals as a grand Jihad of destroying The West from within via any means possible.
The Muslim Brotherhood has long detailed a plot to destroy and seize the Western World.
Ever since the Saudi Arabia was founded as a nation, it has been weakening and has becoming slowly pro Western World. Saudi Arabia was a very strict Islamic nation, but after drilling for water and the discovery of oil, everything changed. Greed got to the Saudi Royal Family and commercial oil production began. The relationship with America began for national security purposes with the creation of Aramco. The relationship with the USA and the riches it has brought Saudi Arabia has led Islamic Religious Conservatives to hate the Saudi Royal Family. They haven't been taken seriously. Furthermore, hatred of the family and Saudi Arabia has led to proxy wars with the East, Iran, in attempts to destroy Saudi Influence on Islam.
Today, Saudi Arabia is becoming a chance at hope within the Muslim World. Pro Israel, Pro Woman's Rights Expanding, and Rejection of Islamic Extremism.
Mohammed Bin Salman's Appointment in Saudi Arabia shocked everybody. While nobody can pinpoint exactly why Bin Salman was chosen as leader, suspicions abound that he was placed there as a gift to Trump after a corrupt Saudi Royal Family was covertly working with Obama funding ISIS. Ever since then, Saudi Arabia and the family have been attacked at every angle, yet Bin Salman has brought a movement toward Israel.
The Media and UN Agenda have attacked Saudi Arabia while ignoring the atrocities of Iran.