The Book of Revelation Talks About a Time When an Unmoral World Lives in Oblivion of the Largest War Exploding. The Antichrist Arises as a Man of War Bent On The Destruction of The Western World and Israel. He Brings The Resulting Disease, Destruction and Death of One Third of Humanity in His Quest.
Soros and his organizations told you the Iron Curtain was gone. His organizations spent millions of dollars and undertook many revolutions to cause collapse of Iron Curtain. It was a lie to save the communists who were well on their way to defeat by the US Complex.
Soros and his organizations told you the Iron Curtain was gone. His organizations spent millions of dollars and undertook many revolutions to cause collapse of Iron Curtain. It was a lie to save the communists who were well on their way to defeat by the US Complex.
Soros and his groups began infiltrating the media, the agenda, and began selling the US Communism to the point that left wing views became dominant. Various wars were staged to drag the US into the Middle East to fatigue it out.
Obama wasted little time enacting his agenda and setting up the communists for a huge win ahead of a planned World War the Globalists were going to orchestrate. Before this war, the US System was pillaged of all secrets, is citizens demoralized to truth, its fissile material was transported to the enemy, Islamic invaders poured into Euro
Obama wasted little time enacting his agenda and setting up the communists for a huge win ahead of a planned World War the Globalists were going to orchestrate. Before this war, the US System was pillaged of all secrets, is citizens demoralized to truth, its fissile material was transported to the enemy, Islamic invaders poured into Europe, ISIS began surrounding Israel and many Middle Eastern Nations began planning her invasion.
Despite what Vladimir Putin tells you, he is an ex Soviet KGB Hardliner. He is trained to lie to your face and deceive you. Russia appears like a free nation currently, but it is run by a totalitarian communist government that does not have fair elections. Putin and a select few in Russian government have been slowly working with the W
Despite what Vladimir Putin tells you, he is an ex Soviet KGB Hardliner. He is trained to lie to your face and deceive you. Russia appears like a free nation currently, but it is run by a totalitarian communist government that does not have fair elections. Putin and a select few in Russian government have been slowly working with the West's enemies to put this plan into action.
Iran was gifted a nuclear program in 1992 during the fake Soviet Collapse. The Soviet Union conveniently lost two nuclear warheads, and had their satellite state Kazakhstan donate them to Iran. Iran's scientists have had a nuclear program since the mid 1990s, NOT just a recently development like the US System lies To Its citizens and te
Iran was gifted a nuclear program in 1992 during the fake Soviet Collapse. The Soviet Union conveniently lost two nuclear warheads, and had their satellite state Kazakhstan donate them to Iran. Iran's scientists have had a nuclear program since the mid 1990s, NOT just a recently development like the US System lies To Its citizens and tells them not to worry. In addition, the Soviet Union also lost over one hundred small Nuclear Suitcase Bombs. This miniaturized nuclear technology was given to Iran and North Korea. Both have had miniaturized nuclear weapons since the 1990s. Russia has also helped Iran and North Korea with their space technology, including rockets and satellite launching abilities. Both are not playing along with the Outer Space Treaty in regards to global satellites.
Obama was chosen and sponsored for this mission when he was younger. Tom Fife wrote an article about how he was told about Obama decades prior while he was on a trip to Russia. Obama received sponsorship from the corrupt side of the Saudi Royal Family. He was surrounded by Valerie Jarrett who ran his covert operation with Iran. Jarret
Obama was chosen and sponsored for this mission when he was younger. Tom Fife wrote an article about how he was told about Obama decades prior while he was on a trip to Russia. Obama received sponsorship from the corrupt side of the Saudi Royal Family. He was surrounded by Valerie Jarrett who ran his covert operation with Iran. Jarrett discovered Michelle Obama in the 1990s.
Robert Maxwell was investigated numerous times for working for the Russians. Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were Soviet Agents Who Took Over Maxwell's Operation. They were involved in an operation to blackmail Western Elites and Dignitaries.
Robert Maxwell was investigated numerous times for working for the Russians. Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were Soviet Agents Who Took Over Maxwell's Operation. They were involved in an operation to blackmail Western Elites and Dignitaries.
Yandex is a child pornography free for all, providing a gateway for the most disgusting vile predators in the Western World. Yandex is being used as a blackmail capture operation for Westerners. Those that are captured and subsequently blackmailed and used as foreign agents.
Yandex is a child pornography free for all, providing a gateway for the most disgusting vile predators in the Western World. Yandex is being used as a blackmail capture operation for Westerners. Those that are captured and subsequently blackmailed and used as foreign agents.
Geopolitically everything you have been taught with how the world is structured and operating currently is a complete lie sold you by the Globalists. The events unfolding today are happening for a reason, and nobody is telling the population why. The events currently happening make complete sense once you understand these 12 points listed below. Understand all these points and you understand everything taking place in front of you and why.
1) It's a war for control over the earth between two Imperialist Forces. The US Military Industrial Complex That Protects The Western World, Vs The East, A Communist Conspiracy and Hidden Soviet War Machine. The US Complex has a hidden agenda and all the geniuses celebrate when they discover this. It's far deeper than just that. That's just one side of the coin. Don't kid yourself that Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Lebanon and Others Have Their Own As Well. The Communist War Machine Seeks The Death of The Western World, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Wishes Control of All the Planet. The US Complex Seeks To Destroy The Communist Conspiracy And Pass On Freedom and Western Values Over All Mankind. Remember JFK's Famous Line. "The great enemy of that tremendous force of freedom is called, for want of a more precise term, imperialism - and today that means Soviet Imperialism and whether we like it or not, and though they are not to be equated, Western Imperialism."
2) Communism is far from dead. The Communists and enemies of the Western World are much stronger than they were in 1989 and now pose a grave threat. In 1989, Russia and China had the GDP of Canada at around 390 Billion While The US Complex Had A GDP of 8 Trillion And Could Not Be Defeated. Now Where Are We? Who has made our enemies stronger and us weaker? Who controls the unseen war, what is changing about our society and what is making us weak? Who controls what we see, hear, read and are educated in? The Answer? The Globalists and their agenda. The Globalists, George Soros and their associates, work covertly for the Communists, and are enacting their global communist government plans and takeover. They saved the Communists from their fall in 1980s, faking the collapse of the Iron Curtain, because the Soviets and Communism were on a path to decimation by the Communist Hating US Complex in just a couple of decades. The Soviets had to fake their collapse to survive. Remember, George Soros spent millions collapsing the Iron Curtain, only to poison the West with Communism for decades after. Now you see it - The globalists are bringing the USA and Western World to its defeat via a media and propaganda war on many levels - morally, educationally, economically, militarily, physically, etc. They are doing this to weaken and destroy the US Complex that protects the Western World so they can destroy it and raise World Communism. The Globalists and Soros control the corporate media and UN Agenda, European Union and are leading the West to its total takeover by evil that waits in disguise. Remember what Yuri Bezmenov said. Leftists are only useful for bringing the revolution to The Western World. At the moment of successful revolution they are not needed anymore. The funding of left wing groups, protests and media indoctrination by the globalists and Soros is only being done to prep The West for it's fall and seizure of control by the Communists.
3) What do you mean seizure of control over America's government? You mean they aren't interested in promoting Climate Change, Abortion, Trans Rights and Equality? Nope. It's a lie. This is only to bring the US Complex to Empire Collapse To The Point of Revolution. After Empire Collapse, the Communists need to seize power in the United States of America through a Communist Revolution after America is prepped and prepared for it. This would be much like the Revolution in Russia in 1917. This moment of seizure of power is when America's laws would change and never go back. Revolutions are dangerous. The Communists are experts at revolution and understand how catastrophic and dangerous they are. Not only do they have to succeed, they have to blackmail and control a population and kill those that disagree with it afterwards. They are well practiced, having overthrown countless nations and have failed many times. They succeeded in Russia in 1917, but they failed in 1905 trying it the first time. Tens of thousands of them were killed by the Tsars. Why did 1905 fail and why was 1917 successful? The Revolution in 1917 came when Russia was distracted and overburdened by war. The Communists are experts at Revolution and they know they have to seize the US during the backdrop of war and immense chaos that they themselves have to set up. Remember a Devout Communist, Gustavo Princip set up World War 1, assassinating Archduke Ferdinand, which allowed the second Russian Revolution in 1917 to finally be successful. What are the Communists setting up now? War for the US Complex on three fronts. Overburden it. Europe. Middle East, Pacific.
4) The Communist Revolution on America is described in Barack Obama's movie, Leave the World Behind. In the final scenes of the movie a girl watches an emergency screen where it spells out that America is under attack by rogue internal enemies while all power and communications are down. An internal war or takeover of the US System must be done under cover of a massive war and internal chaos to be successful. Complete loss of power of the US Electrical grid via EMP attack (nuclear explosion via North Korean satellite in atmosphere), causing mass chaos and collapse within, followed by an internal war on government to seize control is what the Communists are planning. This is their final Revolution to seize the globe's glory while The Western World had their back turned, unaware of getting stabbed in the back. Seizure of the US from within and the mass chaos means the USA is unable to come to the defense of the rest of the Western World. Taiwan, Israel, Europe, Saudi Arabia. Gonzo. Now the Communists control the world. The enemies of the Western World have been preparing for this monumental global takeover for a long time and are waiting for that exact right moment to execute. Remember, enemies of Rome prepared for battle against it and takeover when it was collapsing. The same is happening today with us.
5) Back to Barack Obama. The Enemy cannot simply use their nuclear bombs in this Communist Revolution. It's not that easy. All fissile material is traceable after a nuclear explosion, which means scientists can pinpoint exactly where in the ground the material came from. This means the Communists suffer from CONSEQUENCE OF ACTION. A takeover of this magnitude carries great risk. After this war, if the Revolution is successful and The West loses, the Globalists simply just lie and say it was America's own satellite that blew up and we are sorry. If the Revolution is UNSUCCESFUL and America is able to hold them off, if any investigation showed it was Russian, Chinese or Iranian/North Korean Fissile Material, there is no lie and America Would Likely Nuke With Payback. Recognizing Ohio Class Submarines As The Joker Card of Doomsday Weapons Is Paramount, as There Would Be Nothing Left Of The Enemy. The Enemy Has Submarines, But Nothing Like The Ohio Class Submarines. The US May Lose DC, New York and Los Angeles and 50 to 100 Million. The Communists Would Lose One Billion. America would be back on its feet in 10 to 15 years. The Communists would never be back.
6) To Avoid Consequence of Action for the Communists and to Reduce Their Risk, the transfer of US Uranium to America's enemies MUST Happen. Once again, if the plan or Revolution on America failed, investigations must show that it was not the enemy that caused this destruction. There must be no Nuclear Payback by the US Complex and thus, the Communists own destruction and advancement of The Western World. Imagine North Korea, Iran, and Russia being destroyed and being taken over by the West after the failed Communist Revolution on the USA? That's what happens if the Communists fail. To Get the US Uranium The Communists must have a plant inside the White House to organize it. There is no other way. There is a complete federal lock on the US Fissile Material. Only A plant could organize this. Barack Obama was this Soviet Plant. While Obama had many other objectives, including setting up the war, feeding the US Marxism and destroying it economically, the US Uranium is the most critical goal he had. Iran and North Korea have had nuclear weapons for decades while we all assumed they didn't. Why haven't they used them? Consequences of using their own fissile material which carries risk and possibly their own destruction. Syria's covert Nuclear Facility, Iran's Facility and North Korea's Enrichment Facilities were all being purposed to be put online BEFORE Obama's Presidency, primed and ready to accept US Uranium. Remember, the Soviet Union gifted Iran their nuclear program when they collapsed by "losing" two nuclear warheads in 1992. Convenient. The Soviets knew Iran and North Korea would never play ball with the Outer Space Treaty (Nuclear Weapons In Space). Obama was organized and trained as a plant as early as 1992 for the sole purpose to provide the US fissile material to these sites. This is DECADES of careful planning with the Globalists and Communists engaging in War Against The Western World in unison.
7) Now you understand that the Globalists and George Soros are nothing other than evil traitors that are feeding us an illusion to lead us to our death. After they convinced you that the Communists were gone, they poisoned the US Complex for thirty years through a war on many levels to fatigue the US System out. At the moment of collapse, they installed The Communist Plant Barack Obama through a Coup D' Eta propaganda vote in 2008. He knew he was destined for the White House when he was very young and got immediately to his plan he prepared decades for. He was put there for one purpose only, the Communists cannot beat the Ohio Class Submarines. This is why they come in the dark, in the stealth of night, infiltrating, destroying, corrupting until a specific moment. If they possessed our weapons of war they would just come out in the open.
8) When Trump got elected, Obama's plan, the Globalists Plan, and the Soviets Plan failed. Now That Obama's Plan Has Failed And The Enemy Is Being Exposed, the Globalists are being Exposed, and The Communists Are Being Forced To Organize Plan B, Which is the same war and revolution WITH NO US FISSILE MATERIAL. Trump has long reversed Uranium One, sold the American mines to a US Company and the enemy has zero access now. Not only that, he has created Space Force, and they have launched classified Nuke and EMP Sniffers to detect an explosion. Russia is fighting to plan to take these out as we speak with a nuclear anti satellite weapon that has been all over UN debate. Reorganization by the Communists is being done in an obvious scramble if you are aware to it. Iran, Russia, China and North Korea are organizing Plan B right now as you read this. They are preparing for World War at a feverous pace, enriching their own uranium, putting spy satellites in space, and expanding economic networks for their survival during a World War. This Is because of Truth. This means When The Truth Comes out that they were procuring the US Uranium to do this to us anyway, they get discovered and exposed, Obama gets exposed, the Soviet Union gets exposed, the traitors are indicted and the US Military Complex turns around. The roll up will be massive and the traitor list endless. Why did Trudeau come to power? It was all planned through years of blackmail to ship the US Uranium through Canada, then onto Ukraine, over To Kazakhstan and on to Iran and North Korea. US Uranium cannot leave the country. It's illegal. The only nation that was allowed to posses it through the Non Proliferation Treaty was Canada.
9) In a grand heist, when the bank robber is discovered in the vault by the police right beside 200 million of gold - does the Robber give up and go to jail willingly? Or does he grab the gold and is their a shootout? The Communists and The West's enemies have never been so close to the jackpot which is the submission of the US Complex. They are almost the top dogs. Will they go down quietly? Of course not. They're going to go for it. Don't be silly. The US Knows all this. Everything you are witnessing on your television is an optical illusion the US system is feeding Putin and Xi, who are watching so they can make their military decisions on with Iran and North Korea. If You Believe Anything Happening At Face Value Right Now In The US Regarding Control That Plays Out on Your TV, You Need To Start Thinking Much Deeper and Start Understanding Illusions, The Art of War, and Operation Mockingbird. Not to mention the counter blackmail of various media players and globalists to run this lie. There are those who want out. There are those who have already switched and are waking people up to save themselves. Who really has control? Do you believe everything Trump says? You shouldn't. Who had control of Mockingbird in 2016? Who had it in 2017? Who had it in 2021? Why is Joe Biden not stopping this awakening despite having control of Operation Mockingbird? Joe Biden without a doubt works for Obama and the Communists. Are you absolutely sure about that?
10) There is ZERO REASON the TV Would tell you the truth right now. Truth = Mass Chaos. Remember how Coronavirus came out of the lab and the population scrambled to get toilet paper of all things? Half the world doesn't even use toilet paper. The Western World lives under the false illusion of peace and security. The Western World cannot know the full truth until a strategic moment. If they knew too soon they would panic and all would go south. Avoid the noise. Many are arguing over ideologies now. It's not a debate. IT's A WAR. Question anyone popular right now. They likely know absolutely nothing and cannot put the pieces together. They are either saving themselves or just making a buck.
11) Understand the tug of war and the illusions happening now. What is really happening? The art of war - When you are weak, you appear strong. When you are strong, you appear weak. The Communists are evil to their core - they are willing to set up a world war to get control and to kill their own to win. They are supremely evil and they will without a doubt reorganize to try the war a second way. The US Complex is also evil - but they are much different and like JFK said, they cannot be equated. They are by far the lesser evil. They will wait for reason to unleash hell and decimation and then over do it. Once you understand these war games, you understand the US Complex is baiting the enemy into their death. If we cannot escape war, and there has to be a war, we need to win this war and have them by the throat instead. Why is Israel going on a mayhem tear now? They know there was an extermination war going to be pinned on them and they are expanding their territory and prepping for this war, taking out their close enemies before the attempt goes down. Why haven't the traitors been indicted yet? Because Putin and Xi believe what they see on TV - they wont go down and they won't reveal themselves until they have to. No protection for Iran until then. Iran watches as Israel destroys their allies, helplessly.
12) This is the last miracle to only TEMPORARILY save the Western World. After this trigger point or occurrence, the war will be on you. How you vote, how you stand up for your nation and what side you are on. There will be a mass red pilling event soon, and the World will NEVER go back to being normal after this day happens. Everyone across all nations on earth will know after this point. People everywhere will choose a side. Don't assume that those who wake up will choose your side. This is exposure of everything. The enemy will be exposed for their plan to kill us in the dark, and citizens in their nations will rebel openly against them for this evil. But it will also be exposure of the US Complex for what happened to counter this. There are those inside of us that will hate what had to happen. Everyone will have to pick a side and there will be a fight for global control from the events unfolding without a shadow of a doubt. When The Western World wakes up and realizes there was a plan to take them out, the populace will be red pilled and wake up in mass. That wake up moment is the realization that the leftist socialist movement being promoted in the US carries with it a hidden, military, Soviet War Machine being sold by our politicians controlled by the Globalists and blackmailed by our adversaries. Upon exposure, the acceptance of the US Industrial Complex and rejection of all Globalist politicians would ensue. This would mean the Communists would never win this war ever again once discovered. This is their last fight. Traitors inside your nation will come down on your government to seize control after they fail. Spies embedded for 40 years waiting for this moment will grab their guns and the war will start. They will kill who is in their way because it will be their only way. They will not go down silently.
We will be victorious!
Right Now Obama is a Plant and His Motives are Silent. To Many He Appears Peaceful and Wonderful, But That Is Far From The Truth. His Agenda Refuses To Go Away Without A Fight and He Is Actively Working To Stop Anti Communism in The US Expanding. Once Exposed, His Appearance of Good Nature and Peace Will Change. The Same Will Go For Vladimir Putin and Russia. They have enacted this plan with their allies so cautiously, patiently waiting and salivating at how close they are. Obama Will Become an Obvious Murderous Psychopath and Carry The Enemies of The Western World To Their Do or Die Fight To Have Global Control Once We Reject Them. Killing those who oppose them will be their last attempt at control.
It Is Highly Probably Obama Is The Antichrist For A Plethora of Reasons. The Statistical Probability Is Very High Given All These Coincidences.
Revelation 13:18, NIV "This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the [Antichrist], for it is the number of a man. That number is 666."
Barack Obama clearly works for the global communist conspiracy if you haven't noticed yet. If you understand the two sides, and the war, he is an enemy of the USA.
He even nicknamed himself Renegade, or traitor.
The events unfolding today are because of his plan failing, yet the enemy being so close to our takeover and going through with their plan anyway out of greed and lust for power.
He is a devout Marxist himself. His ideas, thoughts and agenda are all anti-USA, promoting division, the destruction of the family, political turmoil, anti police, hate, and obsession over racism that doesn't exist. His agenda of climate change for example, is all meant to kill the USA and its economic backbone while China and Russia succeed. America's enemies do not give a crap about climate change. They want the oil. The power. The money.
He was a community organizer from a younger age, promoted and followed "Rules For Radicals" since his days in college. Fomenting revolution, change, or changing the world as it is, to the world that it should be, is exactly what he believes and is written in the opening words of rules for radicals. Michelle Obama even talked about these famous words from Barack Obama, herself and you can find it on youtube.
(7:20 onwards)
(Page 19, The Purpose, First Paragraph, First chapter)
Traitors in Saudi Arabia who are covertly working with Iran and The West's enemies and who hate America and its allegiance with Islam, paid for his Harvard Education and personally sponsored him. Bin Talal was front and center of the Saudi Traitor Purge of 2016/2017.
Why is he tied to the treasonous side of the Saudi Royal Family that is aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood? It's simple. Saudi Arabia has a relationship with the United States, and for this purpose Obama was able to clear checks and balances to ascend to the Presidency. Having any ties to Iran would make this impossible. Once you understand the struggle inside Islam, with Saudi Arabia and its weakening of Islam via it's extremely pro western values you see the complete picture. The pro Western and Israeli Saudi Royal Family has lost respect among Islamic religious conservatives. Now you see why the rest of the Middle East aligned with Iran hates Saudi Arabia, and wants it submissive of them so Islam can go back to totally anti western. Traitors inside the Saudi Royal Family were purged before the reigns were given to Trump.
Barack Obama was installed by Soros and his global establishment.
Soros and his UN Politicians have control over the Western Media System. Obama's election was a silent coup d'eta. Why? America did not know who or what they were voting for. They were told Obama was a black man and it was racist to think otherwise and racist to disagree with his ideals.
Once you understand that the UN Agenda is the silent manipulator of The West by corrupt, wealthy people that are possible Satan worshippers on Epstein's Island - AND that they are leading America and The West into demise, you understand that Obama was the elected communist plant, orchestrated to the US Presidency where he had eight years to set up his devious plan.
Obama was clearly setting up the fall of America, Israel and Saudi Arabia through a plethora of means. This would signal a change in the world, where the US would fall, and the West would be weak, submissive, and feeble and would take abuse from the communists. This was all going to be done by stealth in a smash and grab job that very few would have recognized it was set up.
He gave Russia US Uranium. He was running a silent operation with Biden and China. He was funding ISIS and surrounding Israel with its enemies. Islamic radicals were embedding themselves by the millions into Europe during his Presidency, and terrorist attacks were happening every week in Europe. Gain of function research on Covid and MERS were given to our enemy, China.
America's enemies cannot defeat her in an all out war for the planet. America has Ohio class submarines. Two of these submarines alone are more than capable of destroying China by themselves, amassing twenty four trident missiles, each carrying 10 independent warheads on each. Think about the destruction. While just two of these boats are capable of putting China back to the stone age, The United States has over ten of these boats. They are the Ace of Spades, the Joker. Russia's SSBN fleet is noisy and is followed by US Attack Submarines. China's Type 094 are even worse and military experts do not believe in their survivability. Ohio Class Submarines cannot be detected and any war move from our enemies will lead to death and destruction like never before seen on the planet. For this reason, America's enemies must kill from within and not expose themselves. They do this by passing agenda meant to collapse, ruin and destroy. When you understand cold war treaties were designed to prevent Russia and the USA from putting Nuclear Weapons or EMPs in space, you understand why there is a fight on for the US Uranium and arming Rogue Nation States.
This killing from within mentality, and operating in the darkness and shadows, is specifically why the communists operate the way they do. Their stealth is their greatest asset, but it's also their greatest weakness and is being used against them now. This is why Obama had to procure the US Uranium, so that attacks could be faked on America with their own material, leading to the communist expansion over the world without anyone being the wiser that it was China or Russia, North Korea, etc. Because if America ever found out, death and destruction would result. The communists greatest fear is everyone waking up and seeing them, and why it was paramount that the communist conspiracy seize control covertly and kill from within.
Obama was the final orchestrator of this plan.
America became sick during his Presidency.
The USA became focused on genital mutilation, homosexuals, gay rights, women as men, and oppression and hatred of the West, while America's enemies organized right under her nose covertly to take her out.
Obama was able to do this all because of blackmail. Nobody can possiblly run an operation this clean while barely anybody knew. Obama had to have been in control of virtually almost everyone.
The West has never before, since 1939, been so fragile.
America's Enemies Almost Strategically Took Over America By The End of Obama's Presidency.
Not only that, America was being led to her death.
Obama and Trump Are Clearly In Silent War Against Each Other.
Their subsequent allies are at war with each other.
Obama's plan or agenda refuses to go away in America.
The Antichrist is described as a loved person, who has the gift of speech and is cunning and manipulative. Obama fits all these prophecies.
Like a snake, hundreds of millions of US Citizens and people in the Western world still cannot identify Obama's lies, even when Obama openly jokes that he has a crazy plan.
Barack Obama has numerous calculated numerology attributes tying him to "666."
Firstly, the simple ones:
18 letters in Barack Hussein Obama = 6 + 6 + 6
Born August 4, 1961, the 216th day of the year = 6 x 6 x 6
Secondly, the complicated mathematical ones:
There are four basic English Gematria systems:
1) Standard copied from the Greek and Hebrew Gematria:
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=20 L=30 M=40 N=50
O=60 P=70 Q=80 R=90 S=100 T=200 U=300 V=400 W=500 X=600 Y=700 Z=800.
2) Ordinal numbers (Numbers that run in natural singular order):
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16
Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26
3) Common (Same as ordinal but numbers are multiplied by 6):
A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78
N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W=138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156
4) Reduced (Goes from 1 to 9 and starts over):
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=1 K=2 L=3 M=4 N=5 O=6 P=7 Q=8
R=9 S=1 T=2 U=3 V=4 W=5 X=6 Y=7 Z=8.
“Barack Hussein Obama”
Barack Hussein Obama in Standard = 793
Barack Hussein Obama in Ordinal = 163
Barack Hussein Obama in Common = 978
Barack Hussein Obama in Reduced = 64
Total 1998 = 666+666+666.
Barack in Standard = 117 234/2 = 6x6x6+6+6+6 divide by 2
Barack in Ordinal =36 (Triangular root of 666.)
Barack in Common = 216= 6x6x6.
Barack in Reduced = 18 = 6+6+6
“Barack Obama”
Greek Ordinal Gematria 6-6 = 6+66+666 OR 738
Reduced Greek Gematria = 42= 6+6+6+6+6+6+6.
English-Hebrew Ordinal 6-6 Total = 816
(816 = The sum the 11 proper divisors of 666)
English Total = 3^6 = 729
Hebrew Reduced Gematria = 66 (BO 2nd)
“Barack Hussein Obama”
English Total Gematria = 666+666+666 OR 1998
Greek Ordinal 1-1 Gematria = (6+6+6)+(6x6x6) OR 234
Greek Reduced = (6^2)+(6^2) OR 72 (6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6)
Greek 6-6 = 6+66+666+666 OR 1404!
Other strange ties to "666":
Barack Obama was a Senator in Chicago, Illinois - ZIP Code 60606
He won the Presidency in 2008 and the next day the Chicago Pick 3 Lottery was 666
Other weird coincidences:
Barack Obama promised to "Fundamentally Change America" as a campaign slogan.
Barack Obama's famous cunning campaign slogan was "Yes we can!"
Believe it or not, "Yes we can", when recorded, and then played back in reverse is "Thank you Satan!"
"Renegade" was Barack Obama's Secret Service call sign.
"Ren·e·gade" is defined as a person who deserts and betrays a country, or a set of principals.
Luke 10:18 Is The New Testament's Biblical Description Of Satan.
Lil Nas Had This Verse On His Satanic Shoe.
It reads, I Saw Satan As Lightning Fall From Heaven
When translated into modern Hebrew would read:
"I Saw Satan As Barac O Bamah"
Q Post 382
Dec 19, 2017
"Satan has left the White House"
There is a long list of pedophile, blackmailed and controlled communists put into various prominent positions. From Hollywood to the Catholic Church, to your local politicians. Only those blackmailed are put into positions of power. Once A Communist Gets Into Power, They Spread Control By Putting Their Own In.
Is The Catholic Church Controlled By Communists? Yes. Jesus Was Not A Communist. Christianity Is Based On Free Will, Not Forced Conversions. God Loved The World And Gave Them The Free Will To Even Reject Him. The Catholic Church Is Controlled By Satanic Communist Pedophiles.
Notice How All The Inquiries Into Sex Trafficking and Pedophelia All Disappeared Once Francis Was Put In?
The ultimate revenge of the Illuminati on the Catholic Church may have been fulfilled. The Knight's Templar, the original secret society which grew into the modern day Illuminati, have wanted to control the organization that burnt them at the stake hundreds of years ago. With the installation of a Jesuit Pope, the Catholic Church is now selling new age ideas, which some classify as apostate. In addition, he is clearly working for the globalist agenda of The Rothschild Family, George Soros and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Illuminati overtaking the Catholic Church and controlling the position of Pope is a historic moment for their leadership. How did it happen? Rumors speculate Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, or Benedict XVI, was trying to control the Illuminati and pedophiles that had infiltrated the Catholic Church. He was ousted with a scheme accusing him of corruption with false evidence and resigned his position. He became the first Pope to resign from office since Gregory XII left in 1415, and the first to do so on his own initiative since Celestine V in 1294. His action was unexpected, given that the modern era popes have held the position from election until death.
An interesting prophecy:
The Prophecy of the Popes, (or The Prophecy of St. Malachy), is an ancient writing of a Catholic Saint in the 1100s who predicted all the Popes with outstanding accuracy - until the end of time, before Christ's return.
St. Malachy predicted Rome would lose the faith - and become the seat of the Antichrist.
Pope Francis is the last Pope before Christ's return.
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