The Events That Are Unfolding Today Are A Secretive Forced US Military Complex Response, Relating To The Department of Energy & US Fissile Material. The Western World Is Under Perilous Threat of Extinction, with North Korea and Iran Having EMP Weapons In Space Enabled By A Covert Soviet Plan & Plant In The White House.
The entire key to understanding the events that unfolded are because of George Soros and his choosing of Obama. Obama was chosen to go before Hillary Clinton as both were running against each other. If you understand that George Soros and his crews are working for the communists and their agenda, you understand that Obama was the Communist plant. If you understand this, you then understand that Hillary knew she was going to be the blackmailed fall guy where Obama would pin his war on her Presidency. She wanted out. She created her plan to get out of her Presidency weeks before Obama took office and put it into place.
Sneaking suspicion would then say that Hillary let the treason happen so that it could all be documented and she could then create enough information and leverage to get out of her crimes. Trump's running for office is no accident. Trump and Hillary were long time friends. Did she bail all to the FBI which was investigating her, then provide them enough information to get out of her crimes and get them to put in Trump instead?
Easy researchable evidence is irrefutable. Donald Trump was an FBI Informant in the 1980s. Did the FBI Cultivate Trump to run for President to try to undo a Treasonous Obama Regime? It's looking like it may have been a possibility. Did Hillary Clinton Bail On Her Presidency? Did She Get Trump To Run So She Could Get Out? It's Also Looking Like A Possibility As Internal Emails Showed Hillary Got Her Campaign to Play Up Donald Trump early in the election cycle.
Hillary's Email Scandal Actually Started In 2009. Before Barack Obama took office, and the same day she had her confirmation hearings, was created. In 2013, before the madness hit the fan, Hillary Clinton's email was hacked by an unknown hacker (some say it was Gruccifer, but the truth is it's unknown)
Was Hillary Clinton's Email Server Filled With Compromising Pornography And Then Hatched To Republicans Before Her Presidency so that Obama could control her every move? This Would Ensure That Hillary Would Have To Do Exactly What Obama Wanted To Get Out Of Her Mess. This Would Mean Obama Would Have 8 More Years of Control To Accomplish What He Wanted. We Don't Fully Know This Yet Because It Is Obviously Sensitive. James Comey, who quashed Hillary's Email investigation for no reason, testified that Hillary Clinton's emails were filled with "inappropriate materials" and that the Russians put them there.
The last piece to the puzzle is understanding that the CIA leaked the information to create Operation Crossfire Hurricane and the Russia Investigation. The Russia Investigation was staged by Obama and his cronies to pass on Hillary's blackmail to Trump. This was then used against them.
The Evidence Suggests That There Was Already an Internal Civil War Brewing During Obama's Presidency. This Means That While There Was A Large Portion of the FBI That Had Been Corrupted, There Were Some Good Elements. While Exact Dates Are Unknown, It Can Be Speculated That FISA Warrants Were Placed On Patrick Ho, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Possibly Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton As Early As 2012 - 2014. This Is Because Patrick Ho's Criminal Case Is A Tell. The Government of the USA Put Forward Evidence During Ho's Trail That They Had A Series of FISA Warrants On Him. Immediately After The Case, Ho's Lawyer, Hunter Biden Buys A Gun And Tries To Kill Himself. In Obama's Presidency, The Civil War Was Already Taking Place.
Comey Said Trump Was Never Under A Counter Intelligence Investigation - That Is When An Enemy Nation Is Blackmailing or Controlling A Politician So That Politician Does Damage To His Own Nation. Not ONE Single Person Ever Asked if Hillary Clinton Was Under Investigation. Not One. In Fact, It's Likely That the FBI Setup The Russian Fiasco On It's Own To Prove An Attempt To Transfer Hillary Clinton's Blackmail To Trump. This Proof Led To Agents Working For Biden and Ho On Trump's Blackmail.
Understand This Is A War.
I Will Discuss All These Points In Detail.
Trump's Entire Presidency Was A Reverse Grifter Or Con-Job FBI and Military Operation.
This Means The FBI And Military Put Him In As A Strategic Placeholder for Hillary Clinton. They Optically Attack Him, When They Fail, Marking Points Are Met For Various Objectives. A Reverse Drip Of Information Confirms To Public They Were Wrong. Then People Wake Up. People Witness The Enemy Attack Trump, Get Motivated, and Vote.
1. Robert Mueller Had To Attack Trump, Using Michael Flynn, To Clean Out Upper Echelon FBI.
2. They Had To Impeach Trump For The Public To Understand Joe Biden's Corruption.
3. They Did January 6 To Ensure Protocols Are Passed To Stop Future Insurrections. When The Traitors Go Down And Spies and Assets Are Cleaned Out, There Will Be A War For Control Of Government.
4. Russia and China Had To Be Lied To To Delay their War Against The United States and Be Goated Into Critical Mistake Thinking They Could Out-Wait Trump When Their Best Chance Was in 2016 or 2017. Russia and China Had To Believe Trump Was Not In Control Of His Ship. His Presidency Was A Mess, There Was No Operation, Yet He Is A Madman Enough To Press The Nuclear Button If Things Went South. Let's Outwait This Guy.
5. The General Populace Had To Face A Controlled Social Media Narrative Of Anti-Communism and Pro Western Propaganda To Bring About Their Love For Their Country.
Understand why things had to happen this way.
Why would Trump and the FBI not tell you the truth back in 2016?
Because It Was Unbelievable.
Because the US Was Not Militarily In A Position To Defeat Russia and China In War.
Because America Was Not Awake And Needed To Be Engineered To Be Ready For The Truth.
Because You Needed To Be Woken.
If They Told You In 2017, There Would Have Been Mass Chaos.
Russia and China Would Have Defeated The United States.
The War Would Have Been Lost.
Everything Happening To Trump Will Happen To Obama.
Trump Had To Be Surveilled Because Obama Was Surveilled.
Trump Had To Be Accused of Being A Russian Asset Because Obama Will Turn Out Through Investigation To Be A Soviet Asset.
Trump Had To Be Impeached For Joe Biden's Crimes, So That The Masses Will Understand.
Trump Has To Be Charged For Something Because Obama Will Be Charged With Treason.
It's All A 16 Year Reverse Undo of Communism On The Western World In The Last Hour.
The idea of Space Dominance is not meant in a sense of travelling outside the Solar System. It's meant for the development of these advanced weapons from outer space.
The Enemy cannot communicate over the phone due to tur US wiretapping every call around the globe. This is why Snowden was a key release for the enemy. They communicate through world events. Signals or events that make front page news.
The Chinese Symbol is XIAO, Dawn, in red. If You said Red Dawn to a Chinese Soldier, They Would Say WW3 On America.
China walked Coronavirus out of the Wuhan Lab that is connected to the Chinese Military.